Today was the first time I watched an episode live, and my first time chatting with other bronies over at Brony State. It was something else watching the episode in one window and having everypony in another window react. Like I really was part of great community. I'm not sure how often I want to chat there, since most the time ponies were just quipping and shouting out small poll facts. But I think I'll watch live next Saturday as well.
As for the episode... it was pretty funny. Theres definitly something meme-worthy about the "PARTY CANON!!!1!!!11!1," and a couple other gags and lines made me laugh. I kindve felt like the lesson this time around was a bit simple, but it made up for itself by making Fancypants not a complete douchebag.
I'm getting a little tired of is the conflicts surrounding rich, snobby ponies who are stuck-up jerks for no reason. I know right now The 1% is a topical real world villain, but I've come to expect more complexity from this show. I havnt dealt with The 1%, but I have gone to lower upper class fundraisers and a few holiday parties. Talk there was vapid and borderline gossipy, but never snooty or cruel. Meh, maybe that was just the area I lived in, but it still makes me skeptical about generic rich guy villains.
Its not going in my Best Episode Evah pile, but its not going to go in my Worst either. I still had fun, though next week's episode sounds amazing. Cant wait!
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