Sunday, February 26, 2012

Good Reads: The Star in Yellow


Read this ages ago, never made a post about it. The story made an impact, I can say that much. Whenever Twilight opens a book in the show, my boyfriend and I now have an in-joke for it:

Oh hey there Yellowstar.

So now to write a review from a hazy memory! Um... this'll be a short one.

This story is actually pretty fun, and despite, you know, being about insanity. It's actually somewhat light, especially the B plot. Sometimes when a story is split in half between two major actions, one tends to be more interesting than the other, and I wind up skipping over one of the parts. But the two parallel threads in this story are both very good for very different reasons, and my attention was held by both of them.

I remember the only really weird part was the heavy focus on the OC, Saddle Stitch. I mean, he was a well-written character, and was pretty funny himself. I could see his point and purpose in the story. But he's treated like a main character, and a show-sealer at that. It felt... very weird to read. Again, well written, soooo Your Mileage May Vary.

Score: Even a month later, its still worth talking about.


  1. Oh hey, fantastic, one of my stories! :) I'm glad you liked it, I think it's my favourite of everything I've written so far.

    Interesting you mentioned that about Saddle Stitch. Really though, he fulfils the primary purpose of an OC - he fills a spot which no canon character could. Also because we don't really know him and he's someone in authority, he's very much the 'authorial voice' when it comes to explaining the plot and moving it forwards... or at least until we discover he's actually wrong about a lot of things. If the story was characters guessing what was going on, there would be more room for doubt and questioning, as opposed to being told by a knowledgable character.

    Also, the story is less about insanity and more about how we deal with fiction, each character in it has a different relationship with fiction, and that was another spot that needed filling.

    Of course I also found him fun to write! ;)

    1. Sorry for getting his name wrong! XD; I mean, Saddle Stitch is a good character, but I think what made him weird was just the nature of fanfiction... or maybe just how I read it. It's changing up the expected dynamic by introducing an entirely new element, a foreign personality. No matter how you like or need the guy, its still like inviting a total stranger to a party among friends.

      Again, that might just be me. YMMV.

    2. And yet again, wish I could edit my comments 8I Nothing ever sounds right a few minutes later!
      Strangers can still turn out to be cool. And how the heck are you going to meet anyone if you don't go Pinkie Pie up to them and sing them a song?!

    3. Well he is also kinda a villain too don't forget ;)

    4. Hah! I never really saw him much as a villain, but that's just because of how the flow of the story worked. The first few chapters were very intense, and the handling of Yellowstar was perfectly creepy. In contrast, the parts with Saddle Stitch were more wacky hijinks that helped level things out. If not for the two different feels in conjunction, I don't think the ending would have worked nearly as well as it did.
      And honestly, I'd expect that sort of thing from Rainbow Dash...
