Thursday, December 29, 2011

Favorite Pony?

Y'know, this has kindve been bugging me for a while Who is my favorite pony?

I mean, I love Celestia, I see so much potential in her. 
When I see Celestia, I see her history, I see what’s inside, or rather, I imagine what’s inside. What is she always doing? What are her powers and limitations? How does she relate to people? I mean, I wrote a fanfic about it, but I'm still curious, I still want to explore more. I have at least two other stories about Celestia in the works. Maybe more. She seems so full of potential, so fascinating.
Even when people call her a tyrant, that only makes her MORE interesting! Then she becomes affably evil, distanced, ruling with an iron hoof because she does not give a crap. I mean, that’s the first chapter of Sunset Looms right there!

But Celestia isn’t what My Little Pony is about. Celestia in the show is in the background, a mentor character. A pleasant person with a few quirks, a god that lets the ponies do what they naturally do, helping them where needed. In the show, I dont really see her as a tyrant, because she's not. She is an extension of the world, and the world is a bright and colorful paradise. I like the idea of Celestia more than I do her actual character.

So when people ask "who's your favorite pony?" I say Applejack or Applebloom. There have been episodes about them. We know who they are and what they do. We are allowed to understand them as humanlike characters.

But... it doesnt sit right to just say that, you know? Applejack is definitely my favorite of the Mane 6, but I dont get excited to see her, or Applebloom for that matter. On the other hoof, When Celestia drops out of the sky, I go "hell yeah, Celestia!" 

Can I claim Celestia to be my favorite pony, based on my adoration of what she could be, rather than what she really is?


Next project is about Celestia, Luna, and Discord. God, do I look forward to writing it.

Good Reads: More Somber Works

Using my all powerful magic skills of, I dunno, being female, I transformed my boyfriend into a brony. And not just a brony, but a brony who read a TON of fanfiction. And doesn't like being called brony because he thinks its a silly word. ANYWAY.
Seeing as he reads fanfiction like a bandit, he's been linking me to some of the best reads. Also, he found out that Somber, the chick who wrote Simply Rarity, writes a lot. So I'm reading more. And opinion-ing on it.

Somber's writing is definitly above average. She comes very close to melodrama, or rather, most authors would become really melodramatic approaching these topics. But she never quite falls into it. Its Drama. Its not overdone or silly, its actually affecting.
However, Somber's skill almost seems to go up and down in different areas. She knows how to construct a scene. She can construct a character, and let them flow properly. She's not forcing things to happen, or it doesnt seem like she is. If I can point out a small flaw, she doesnt quite grasp what makes a writing style interesting to read. Her stories are great, but her style is lacking something more... a bit of flourish, or something special that marks her style as her own. But that's nothing she cant eventually grow into. With more practice, maybe some proper training, I can see this gal becoming a professional and respected author.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sunset Looms Final Chapters

So that's the end. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it! I intended to cover a bit more about mortality and stuff, but I think this works well.

EDIT: About the end.
I had told EqD that this was the end of the story, and I was pretty surprised they didnt put it up as such XD.
And honestly, several people (including some of my friends) say that this only sounds like a beginning, and there's way more to this. And there is. I still have ideas. But what I don't have right now is a story. I thought these four chapters could form a complete arc, a whole story, a good stopping place.
I might someday write a continuation of this, a sequel under a different title. But when I do that, the theme, the feel of the work would be a bit different, its own thing. A few more characters, a bit more rooted in actual events than an exploration of mindsets.

For now, I'm going to write a couple oneshots. Try my hand at a bit of worldbuilding. This isnt over, but I dont want people waiting for a continuation that may take months.

Again, thanks to everyone for reading. =D

Monday, December 26, 2011

Art: Propaganda Poster

Christmas is being Christmas, I'm editing the final two chapters of Sunset Looms, and I tried to draw a pony.

Whee, pony propaganda posters!
Or 1920's motivational posters ponyized.
But I'm calling them propaganda.

Happy Merry!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

S2 Ep11 : Hearth's Warming Eve

I really paid attention to this episode. Worldbuilding is something I usually enjoy, and this didn't disappoint me. I was kindve waiting for this episode to see if there was anything about Celestia in there, but there wasnt. Now I can work on my fanfic IN PEACE! Um, yay?

Though it was weird how absent Celestia was from the story. I mean, their flag has Luna and Celestia on it... but they arent around yet?
Oh god that suggests to much fanfiction.
Or it suggests that they had let a bit of anachronism slide for the play to make sense to the fillies.
BUT OH GOD THE FANFICTION! The possibilities have doubled!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Good Reads: Fallout Equestria (First Ten Chapters)


I've been trying to read Fallout: Equestria for a couple weeks now. I had to absolutely convice myself to give it a chance. There had to be a reason why everyone was reading this! Why there was such a huge TVTropes page, fanart, fanfiction.... THE INTERNET CAN NOT BE WRONG.

Why was it so hard? Lets take a metephor: Fallout: Equestria's writing style in the first chapter and prolouges is like the big rusting clunker you buy because its on sale for negitive two dollars. You're not trying to express your personality or find something that suits your needs. You need a car, any car that can get you where you're going. Hell if I was going anywhere near that beast. It was sending me into fits just looking at it.
But I pushed on anyway. And something amazing happened! When I reached the second chapter, the rusty clunker transformed into a BMW from 2005 that occasionally needs to be jumpstarted.
How the hell did the writing style change so much? Was the first chapter rushed? Why even bother with it, then? You know what? First chapter? Its not needed. Completely and utterly not needed. Skip it. It almost drove me away from what was actually a pretty solid piece of work.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

One Shot: Lyra's Little Dream

Had an idea in my head for a while, and wanted to experiment with voice. It came out a little giggly, maybe even childish. I dont know what common fan depiction of Lyra is, but she seems cheerful.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

S2 Ep10 : Secret of my Excess

I think I have only one thing to say.
Would've liked it better if everyone in the chat had stopped shouting 'rape! rape!' every five seconds.
I thought we were better than that.

Sunset Looms Chapter 2

Sunset Looms Chapter 2

I realized as I was writing this how big of a departure from my normal style this is. And also how much better my story is because of it. I mean, thats the HUGE theory now is that you are not allowed to write anything that states an emotion. Everything must be simple and implied. Attempting to be poetic means that you are being melodramatic and that is BAD WRITING all caps.
I dunno, the simple style preference of the day means its easier for new writers to get something passable out, but it seems like all my education was pushing everyone towards a single acceptable style. When I try to write simply it becomes fast and confusing...


Dunno if I'm going to upload this onto I don't like their formatting, and my old account is... very,  very dusty by this point. I think the last piece I uploaded was a slapstick comedy about Legend of Zelda when I was like... twelve. So, ten years old. Wow. Time flies...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fanfiction Article

Cant sleep. One AM. Was observing some pony pictures when a Devart signature led me here:
How Harry Potter Became the Boy Who Lived Forever
I think this brings up some good points. Fanfiction is a discussion of a work, a continued observation of it. Cool people do it. Fanfiction itself is not something to be offended by. Its fun! Its easy! Its like muffins? Muffins!
Oh god I'm so tired WHY CANT I SLEEP WHY?!
I blame fanfiction. Its too much fun to write.
Only problem with article's argument: Fanfic is not porn. But theres a lot of porn. Oh god, so much horrible, horrible porn.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Watching Live S2Ep9 : Sweet and Elite

Today was the first time I watched an episode live, and my first time chatting with other bronies over at Brony State. It was something else watching the episode in one window and having everypony in another window react. Like I really was part of great community. I'm not sure how often I want to chat there, since most the time ponies were just quipping and shouting out small poll facts. But I think I'll watch live next Saturday as well.

As for the episode... it was pretty funny. Theres definitly something meme-worthy about the "PARTY CANON!!!1!!!11!1," and a couple other gags and lines made me laugh. I kindve felt like the lesson this time around was a bit simple, but it made up for itself by making Fancypants not a complete douchebag.
I'm getting a little tired of is the conflicts surrounding rich, snobby ponies who are stuck-up jerks for no reason. I know right now The 1% is a topical real world villain, but I've come to expect more complexity from this show. I havnt dealt with The 1%, but I have gone to lower upper class fundraisers and a few holiday parties. Talk there was vapid and borderline gossipy, but never snooty or cruel. Meh, maybe that was just the area I lived in, but it still makes me skeptical about generic rich guy villains.
Its not going in my Best Episode Evah pile, but its not going to go in my Worst either. I still had fun, though next week's episode sounds amazing. Cant wait!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Good Reads: Simply Rarity

I think this blog is going to be about Pony Fanfiction. My own, and the stuff I read too.
And let me tell you... when it comes to other people's stuff... I'm a picky pony.
Writing is... a special sort of art form. If I may misquote my Science Fiction Professor, there's absolutely nothing appealing about tiny little symbol scribbles on paper.Written word is unique in its own way. A written world can be more vivid than any visual representation could hope to recreate. The worlds words create are built entirely in our own minds. And its cheap, all it takes to write is time and a word processor.
But writing can also... fail. Very, very easily. Because its cheap, anyone can create immediately, leading to an influx of amateurs. And I would say its the hardest medium to truly become skilled in. You can draw every day, sketch, and quickly know what makes something look good, look bad, correct it. But writing isnt nearly as intuitive, it takes training just to see other's flaws, and its almost impossible to pick them all out on your own. To you, your writing could make perfect sense. To anyone else, it could be barf on paper. Making writing at least have a semblance of care and sense is daunting, making it professional and polished impossible alone.
So um... fanfiction.
Often enough, what qualifies a fanfiction as a good work is that it makes sense. And I can see why that is. Theres a lot of complete amateurs out there who dont even know how to make sense or carry across thier ideas.
But I've had training. I've been in near professional workshops. I know what makes a piece publishable, let alone what makes things readable.
And it makes it very, very hard to get into what is considered decent fanfiction. All the tiny little things, flaws that are or are not important build up on me. I begin wanting to tear the shit out of the works for how atrociously horrible they are, even if they're really not that bad.
So yes, I am a picky pony. I tend to drop fanfiction two paragraphs in.
Which is why I'm going to talk about the fanfiction that doesnt make me want to kill everyone.

The Actual Review Part : Simply Rarity by Somber

Sunset Looms Chapter 1

Sunset Looms Chapter 1
I actually really enjoy writing this version of Celestia. This was originally going to be a standalone peice, but I decided it might be worth going further into it. It's going to mostly be about Celestia and Twilight Sparkle, but I do eventually plan on having Luna play a decent role.
Also, right after I named and upload this story, I find there's another story about Celestia and Twilight Sparkle called Sunset... yeesh. Unintentional. I am apparent lack creative, yo.

So, whats this?

This is going to be a blog where I put up all the fanfiction I'm going to dump online, because really, the world needs more fanfiction?
Its mostly going to be My little Pony fanfiction as well.
So, by this point, you are either screaming and running away, or saying "yay, post some ponies!"
If you are doing nither then... I guess you win the consolation prize?