Wednesday, January 25, 2012

So weird...

I didn't think it would be weird writing fanfiction. But it's weird. Really, really weird. Its weird investing so much time into thinking about a world and how you see it, then looking at a dozen other works that both come so close, or see it so radically different. It's weird going over the canon again and seeing where people took things, what they thought was important, and building from there.

I took dozens of notes about canon Discord, re-watching the episodes and trying to sketch a rough personality. Trying to simplify it to make an 'innocent' version. I think for the first ten chapters, I may have made him too innocent... he wasn't Discord-y yet. I thought of him as a quietly observing animal... strange and bizarre, yet intelligent and cuddly. I took too much out of the original, put too much of my own ideas in. Comparing him to some other interpretations, the Draconequus I build was almost washed out.

But I think in chapter eleven I've finally got a hold of 'my' version of Discord. Closer to the original, but different in the ways I intend him to be. I think I've really grasped who he is in Steadfast Sky, and what it eventually leads to. I don't regret the groundwork I laid, but I think it's for the best to let 'my' Discord move beyond it.

Chapters Eleven and Twelve should be up around Saturday. Been thinking of making that my schedule, two chapters every weekend. We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy this fanfic. It was actually the one the brought me into reading more fanfics. I really appreciate the work you put in to it to make it this awesome. Thank you and Thank you again. Looking forward to each new chapter.

